Saturday, October 26, 2013

35 Week Bumpdate

Again, good reports for Baby Girl this week.  NST was normal.  Good accelerations of her heart rate with movements.  Apparently I was also having fairly regular contractions every 2 to 4 minutes, but not feeling them.  The OB said they are likely Braxton Hicks.  My uterus is practicing.  I wish it would practice HARDER and do the real thing soon.  I don't think this belly can get much bigger!

Hubby took off for the BPP this week.  She must have been happy her daddy went because she immediately did her practice breathing and body rolls.  Baby Girl scored 8/8 points again, everything looking normal.  The doctor came to check us out and said, "So, looks like scheduled c-section for 39 weeks."  Well... kind of... assuming she's not growing to the size of a small dinosaur in there.  I told her last week the other doctor had mentioned the possibility of an earlier delivery due to her increasing size, and we would have to keep monitoring.  Then she said, "Mmhmmm well yes, we will have to measure her but I think at this point 39 weeks is reasonable."  OK.  I am done with everyone and their different opinions.  That has been one of the most frustrating experiences so far during this pregnancy.  I know a lot of things depend on what may or may not happen and there are no definitive answers at certain points, but at least get together people and think about what your patient is thinking every time she hears a different opinion!

And that's definitely a problem when you see a group of physicians.  I cannot adjust my schedule to make an appointment with the same MFM physician every week because A.)  I work and B.)  They float from facility to facility without rhyme or reason to their schedule and C.)  I have 30 other appointments that are scheduled.  While it would probably be best (the least frustrating) to see the same doctor each week, for most people in my situation it's not very practical and so you end up with 3 different opinions about the same issue.  However, they all have the same chart in front of them with the same data, they are in the same practice, so why do these opinions vary so much?

I am really looking forward to next week's BPP when they measure her again.  That should give us a better idea of when they might want to deliver her, if need be.

I am getting a little more tired, physically and mentally.  I am not as on the ball with my diabetes logging as I once was, feverishly writing down every carb I ingested and every unit of insulin I injected.  And sometimes I even eat things that can make my blood sugar a little more (gasp!) unpredictable.  Thirty-five weeks of super intense management is wearing.  I have never paid so much attention to diabetes in my life.  Don't get me wrong, it's ALWAYS there somewhere, but it can sometimes be pushed to the back of your least for a few hours.  Not with pregnancy.  I feel like it's forefront and center nearly 24/7.   It's been a lot of hard work and I am ready to see the result!  And to eat a high carb breakfast or a bowl of cereal again.  I am getting really tired of cottage cheese and eggs.

A few humorous points:
-  My belly is so big that it is sometimes difficult to wash my hands in certain sinks.
-  My belly seems to bump into people and things a lot.  I am used to 29 years of living without a               beachball in my belly.
-  Pregnancy makes you burp.  A lot.  Around the clock.  Well, me anyway.
-  Getting out of bed sort of resembles a Weeble wobbling.  Like this.
-  The cats are really interested in sitting on my belly now.  I think they know something.

And a very happy birthday to my husband and dad this week!  I love you both!

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