Thursday, October 17, 2013

34 Week Bumpdate

This week began on a high note.  My husband and I celebrated our second anniversary on Tuesday.  He took the day off to go to my appointments with me, and then we cooked a nice dinner together.  We started off at the endocrinologist's office with a pretty standard appointment.  Still happy with my control, but some adjustments were needed.  We actually backed off a little on some overnight basals to prevent me from getting up low and drinking a juice box every night as had been the trend for the last 5 days or so.  My endo said the baby is most active at night and so she's using up some of my glucose stores.  Especially now that she's bigger herself and requiring more energy to move.  And we increased my breakfast and dinner bolus ratios AGAIN.  I am now requiring 1 unit of insulin per gram of carbohydrate I consume meaning I am bolusing the HUGEST amounts of insulin I have ever heard of.  Definitely concerning at times, as in how am I not dying from giving 45 units of insulin for a salad, fruit, and bread?  I don't know.  It just works.  I have been easing myself into dosing these crazy amounts by using the old 1:1.5 ratio and adding a random amount of extra units not quite equal to the 1:1 ratio and then usually deciding later that I could have bolused 1:1 and been fine.  I'd just rather test the waters first since these amounts of insulin are so crazy.

My endo also reassured me that I was still doing a great job and sometimes no matter what your blood sugar control, you are still going to grow a larger baby.  Another diabetes mystery.  But hearing it from his lips made me feel a teensy bit better.  After the endo we went to pick up some groceries for our anniversary dinner.  Nothing with too much sodium or too many carbs to try to curb highs and prevent swelling, so we decided on filets with broccolini and a small side of mashed potatoes.  And I mean a small amount of potatoes because my husband had also bought a small replica of our wedding cake to celebrate, and I wanted to eat it!

Next we went to my regular OB appointment.  Again, the NST was perfectly normal along with my blood pressure and urine specimen.  No signs of preeclampsia.  Since we were both present, we also had the chance to tell the OB how we felt as a couple about our chosen mode of delivery.  We stated very clearly that we did not want an induction and felt that a c-section would be better for my health if the baby has to come early.  This time I think she got the message and made a note in my chart.  Hopefully there is no further talk of induction because for me, it's not really up for discussion.  I've made my decision after considering everyone's opinions because I feel it's best for me and Baby Girl.

Today I had my weekly BPP test.  Baby Girl scored 8/8 points again and everything looked fine.  I got a few printouts of some cute 3D pics of her little face.  It's hard to say who she's looking like, but I'm thinking Daddy.

So, all status quo for this week.  Hard to believe she could be here as soon as 3 weeks from now!  It will be nice to be able to sleep comfortably again (even if it's not for a long period of time), to not pee every hour, to be able to bend over without squishing all internal organs, and to be able to get out of a position without feeling like my pubic bone is splitting.  Why do women keep the crotch pain a secret???  Expanding cartilage is painful!  Maybe everyone forgets about it, otherwise no one would have more than one kid!  Have a good week!

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