Monday, September 23, 2013

Looking Back: Second Trimester Notables

Weight Gain-  At 15 weeks I had only gained 1 pound, but after that steadily put on about 1 to 2 pounds per week.  In the early weeks I really craved citrus fruits like pineapple and grapefruit and oranges.  In the second trimester it was more like potato chips and ice cream.

That's me half-way through!

 Insulin Needs- Gradually increased.  Not basal rates so much as I:C ratios for bolusing in the beginning, but both increasing at the end.  Totally normal for pregnancy.  It happens in normal people's bodies, they just don't know it.  The more hormones that placenta makes, the more insulin required.  Pump sites needed to be changed more frequently because of the increase in insulin.  That was definitely one of the most annoying things for me.  Why is changing a pump site and refilling a reservoir such a chore?  The change from every 3 days to every 2 days seemed like so much more!

Blood Sugars-  Not too low anymore, but seemed to be fairly stable and within range most of the time until about 26 weeks.  A1c somehow held steady around 5.8 despite more 200's creeping in to the rotation.  If I had any readings over 240 however, I would give an insulin injection with a syringe for faster absorption to get the sugar down quicker.  Most of the highs would happen overnight and would take multiple corrections or an injection to bring them down.  After emailing my endo and changing basals and a dinner bolus ratio, things were back on track for awhile.

Sex of the Baby- 18 weeks was the big week.  I was ok waiting or finding out, but B really wanted to know...A GIRL!  Of course I would have welcomed a little boy, but the thought of a little girl made my heart swell and my eyes tear.  And then I thought of all the things I had experienced growing up and wished her at least the same moments of happiness and less of the moments of hurt.  B had thought all along it was a girl.  He said he was destined to be wrapped around her finger.  The rest of the ultrasound was great.  Baby Girl was measuring in the 35th percentile, so she wasn't bulking up yet due to my diabetes.  All the organs looked normal.

Fetal Echo-  My high risk OB(otherwise known as a specialist in MFM)  recommended Baby Girl have an echocardiogram of her heart around 22-25 weeks since babies of women with T1D are at a slightly greater risk of having a heart defect.  She cooperated and everything checked out ok without any real concerns.

Shower Plans- My mother in law was planning a shower at a tearoom with family and friends.  My mom was planning on having one 2 weeks later at a hall, also with family and friends.  I started registering for all kinds of things that I didn't think would fit in the house.

Eye Update- Another exam, dilation, and fancy pictures.  I was definitely disappointed to find out that my eyes had worsened since the first visit, but not to the point of needing treatment.  New microaneurysms.  More watching and waiting and following up.  As to be expected with diabetes and lots of growth hormones flying around during pregnancy, but I still felt defeated, hoping I would be in the small percent of cases where things remained stable.  The retinologist  reiterated that these things usually regressed after delivery.

New Worries-  Hoping I could breastfeed, investigating breast pumps and how to order one through insurance, thinking about changes in insurance plans.

New Excitements- Feeling Baby Girl kick around 18 weeks!  And sporting a serious baby bump.  Also, B worked on painting and setting up the crib and moved furniture to transform our office into a nursery.
Picture my mom painted
Baby Girl's pretty butterfly mobile

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